Palawan Express, Now Available 24 hours through 7-Eleven


October 12, 2020

05.05 7-ELEVEN

With the aim of serving theremitting public at a much longer time and in the most convenient way, PalawanExpress has partnered with the Philippine Seven Corporation (PSC) to enablesending money 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 7-Eleven outlets all overthe Philippines.

For more than three decadesnow, 7-Eleven has adapted to the needs of its Pinoy customers despite being aglobal brand. They have come a long way and has become the leading innovator inthe convenience retailing industry and has been your one-stop store for billspayments.

Likewise, Palawan PawnshopPalawan Express Pera Padala (PPS-PEPP) popularly known for its money remittanceoffers other services as well like pawning, money changing, ATM withdrawal,accident insurance, bills payment, padala to bank account, suki card or loyaltycard and e-loading at very affordable fees.


Terms and Conditions;

7-Eleven shall do SENDtransactions only. No Payout.

A maximum of Two ThousandFive Hundred Pesos (Php 2,500) per transaction and a maximum of Five ThousandPesos (Php 5,000) per Sender per day.

Maximum of 3 transactions perSender per day, regardless if total remittance is less than Five ThousandPesos.


Changes to the originalentries of the remittance and cancellation of SEND transaction are NOT ALLOWED in any 7-ELEVEN stores.Sender must proceed to nearest PALAWAN branch and bring valid ID and copy ofthe Transaction Receipt.
