Benefits Coverage
One-time Emergency
Room Treatment
₱10,000.00 ₱20,000.00
Hospital Confinement
₱500/day ₱300/day
Annual Premium ₱599.00 ₱699.00



  • Insured can avail one (1) policy only.
  • Eligibility: Principal must be 1 to 70 years old.
  • One-time Emergency Hospitalization as Reimbursement Type Medical program.
  • Emergency Room Treatment: admission to the Emergency Room for treatment of covered accident and illness.
  • Emergency Hospitalization: Insured’s admission in the ER or hospitalization as an in-patient for a minimum period of 24 consecutive hours that requires immediate medical care to prevent death or serious long-term impairment of the Insured Person’s health as prescribed by a medical practitioner.
  • Hospital Confinement Allowance: daily income benefit for a maximum of 31 days when insured is confined via emergency in a hospital due to an accident or illness.


The Policy will not cover any loss or expense caused by or resulting from:

  1. Treatment of self-inflicted injury, suicide or attempted suicide, or affray, abuse of alcohol, drug addiction or substance abuse, pregnancy or childbirth.
  2. Injury or illness while serving as a full-time member of police or military unit and treatment resulting from participation in war, riot, civil commotion or any illegal act including resultant imprisonment.
  3. Treatment of injuries that are sustained when taking part in any sports for which the insured;
    • Are paid
    • Are competing for money prize
    • Hazardous Sports activities
  4. Emergency Medical availment prior to the effectivity of the policy.
  5. Treatment for Pre-existing Conditions
    • Pre-existing condition shall mean medical conditions (sickness) which were in any way evident to the insured before the effectivity of the policy or the natural history/pathogenesis of such condition can be clinically determined to have started two (2) years prior to the effectivity of the policy, whether or not the insured is aware of such sickness, or for which the insured received treatment, or have consulted a physician for treatment or have been taking medications.
  6. Treatment for Communicable Disease
    • Communicable Disease shall mean any communicable disease declared by any government agency, entity or in an executive order causing a state of emergency in any area and necessitating the setting up of appropriate quarantine measure therein excluded in the policy.

These are only some of the exclusions. Complete listings are in the issued policy.

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