Benefits Principal  Spouse/Parent Child/Sibling
Death Due to Accident Including
Unprovoked Murder and Assault
 â‚±30,000.00  â‚±15,000.00  â‚±10,000.00
 Death Due to Motorcycle Accident ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00 ₱2,500.00
 Permanent Disablement or
Dismemberment due to Accident
Up to ₱30,000.00
(subject to schedule)
 Up to ₱15,000.00
(subject to schedule)
Up to ₱10,000.00
(subject to schedule
Permanent Disablement or Dismemberment
due to Motorcycle Accident
 Up to ₱10,000.00
(subject to schedule)
Up to ₱5,000.00
(subject to schedule)
 Up to ₱5,000.00
(subject to schedule)
 Burial Benefit due to Accidental Death ₱10,000.00 ₱5,000.00  â‚±2,500.00
 Cash Assistance due to Natural Death/Death
due to Sickness (Conditions May Apply
₱5,000.00  â‚±2,500.00  â‚±2,500.00
Educational Assistance for Beneficiary
Due to Accidental Death
- - ₱2,500.00
 Fire Assistance ₱5,000.00 - -
Annual Premium ₱100.00



  • Insured can avail up to five (5) policies.
  • Eligibility: Principal must be 17 to 70 years old.
  • Accidental death outside the Philippine territory is covered if the insured who availed the product went abroad as Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW).
  • Motorcycling is covered except under any of the following instances: for racing purposes, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, with more than one (1) back rider, and driving without a valid driver's license.
  • Permanent Disablement or Dismemberment due to accident: percentage of the sum insured corresponding to the bodily injury suffered, based on the Table of Benefits.
  • Educational Assistance due to Accidental Death: for qualified dependent who at the time of Insured’s death is a full-time student. Must be unmarried and between 3 and 21 years old.
  • Cash Assistance due to Natural Death is covered except pregnancy-related causes, AIDS and suicidal cases. Pre-existing conditions shall be covered after 6 months of continuous coverage. Policy conditions shall apply.

DECLARATION OF WORDINGS: A claim arises directly or indirectly as a result of a Pre-existing condition is not covered.

A Pre-existing condition is an illness, injury, condition or symptom:

  • That is known to the Insured and/or policy owner one (1) year prior to the commencement of the policy or
  • For which the Insured had consulted a medical practitioner prior to the commencement of the policy, or
  • For which the reasonable person in the Insured position would have consulted a medical practitioner prior to the
  • commencement of the policy.

Pre-existing condition may be covered under non-accidental death with 180 days waiting period.

Waiting Period – is defined as the period from inception of initial policy or reinstatement date whichever is later.


The Policy will not cover any loss or expense caused by or resulting from:

  1. Intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt thereat while sane or insane.
  2. War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), mutiny, riot, civil commotion, conspiracy, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or unsurped power.
  3. Provoked Assault
  4. Congenital defects and conditions
  5. Engaged in any military duties or naval operations, police and civilians with peace and order duties or combatant duties or trainings
  6. Motorcycle related injuries or loss of life with expired or invalid driver’s licensed.
  7. Driving under the influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol.
  8. Sabotage and Terrorism is not covered
  9. Major disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic (SARS, CORONA, EBOLA, BIRD FLU, and other dreaded diseases)

These are only some of the exclusions. Complete listings are in the issued policy.

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